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Jean Boudreau

B. PSC, M.A.P. ACC, Certifié Profil NOVA 2.0

Who am I outside of work?

I am a passionate backpacker (Asia, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Europe), scuba diver and mountain hiker. What is the link between these activities and off-site strategic planning? In life as in business, THE destination is important, but it’s really how you prepare for it and who you go with that will make the difference facing the along the way challenges.

Through this journey and this team intimacy that you dare to offer yourself, you will experience the fun, the complicity and the contagious energy of your team.

Jean Boudreau

How do we do this?

  • By asking the true questions and daring to challenge yourself in a healthy way to get out of the box
  • By exploring your internal strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and threats in your market
  • By co-creating goals and action plan that are meaningful to you
  • By imagining the map that leads to your “business destination” and the baggage (business and technological tools and skills) to get there

But that’s not all, in parallel to these reflections, and according to your needs, we will facilitate activities to stimulate leadership, communication and collaboration.Here are some examples (non-exhaustive list).

  • The leader that generates team buy-in organizational change
  • The manager-coach posture, a lever to team development
  • Coaching for managers vs. micro-management
  • Time and priority management
  • Engaging people in the Customer Experience

In addition, we will create special moments of emotion with your team by taking advantage of the site’s facilities: healthy competition through games (volleyball, shuffle board, mölkki (Finnish bowling on the beach!)

Who am I at work?

Driven by a desire to accelerate the learning curve of teams and organizations evolving in competitive and innovative environments, I have been working over 28 years with large companies and SMEs in the information technology, financial, automotive, municipal and manufacturing sectors.

I provide professional coaching face-to-face and virtual mode to managers that want to increase the impact of their leadership and communication in contexts of strategic planning and mobilization of people towards change. Focusing on results and return on investment, I support teams in the implementation of new business practices and technologies and in the improvement of the Employee and Customer Experience.

I am pragmatic and I am comfortable communicating in English and French with all levels of an organization. Certified Professional Coach, ACC and NOVA Profile 2.0, I hold a Master’s degree in Public Administration specializing in organizational development, as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Psychology.

Some of my clients

  • Desjardins Movement (Business and Information Technology)
    Facilitating change management for over 20 major projects (1000 to 50 000 people)
  • City of Montreal
    Improving the organizational climate of 2 libraries and Leadership coaching and Facilitating change management of 3 projects (150 to 450 people)
  • Legerlite Group
    Leadership coaching of the management team
  • Ford dealerships (Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI)
    Business and management coaching for directors, employee engagement and improvement of customer experience practices
  • NAPA Proshop performance groups
    Organizational diagnosis, business and management coaching to increase profitability of companies

Coaching areas